
ACEC/MO 2024-25 Committees

Below is a list of our committee and their charges.  Please click on the links below for the regular committee listing and the liaison committee lists.

If you want to serve on a committee in 2024-25, please click here to complete a form to be added to the committee(s) or contact Dawn (Hill) Danison at the ACEC/MO office. (You'll need to login to the ACEC/MO website to complete the form.)





Business Practices & Programs  –  This Committee is responsible for addressing common consulting business issues such as insurance, risk management, business management, contract documents, peer review, software, and other items that advance the business practice of member firms. This Committee shall also help ACEC/MO staff prepare for speakers for meetings/seminars for the year.

Diversity –  This Committee shall foster diversity within our member companies; help our member firms encourage minority and woman employment while meeting legal and risk management requirements; and assist in the development of an educational and support infrastructure to encourage minority and woman careers in STEM fields.

Environmental  –  This Committee shall report to the Council and/or Governmental Affairs Committee its appraisals of and its reactions to important governmental and private sector activities and legislation in which any combination of energy, environmental and economic subjects interact.

Future Leaders  –  This Committee shall help ACEC/MO staff set up speakers for the annual Future Leaders Academy (FLA). The committee also helps contact members when the FLA program is not full.

Professional Procurement  –  This Committee shall develop an action plan for promoting proper qualifications-based selection of engineering services under Missouri law, identify violators of proper selection procedures, and develop strategies for response.  The Committee shall develop ways to recognize those clients who support proper qualifications-based selection procedures with an Annual Award.
Transportation  –  This Committee shall monitor legislation, regulations and other activities and programs in the transportation fields, including highways, railroads, aviations and mass transit and recommend Council positions on appropriate issues.



Engineering Excellence  –  This Committee is charged with the responsibility of establishing criteria for the annual project and drafting awards competitions, selecting the date and judges for the competition judging, attend the judging and determine the winners from judging scores.  Also they will help in the presentation of awards at the Awards Banquet.  Shall see that appropriate winning entries are sent on to the national competition in a timely manner.



Governmental Affairs  –  This Committee shall develop and recommend to the Council a current and long-term legislative program.  Committee members shall work to get Council priorities into the legislative process, review other pending state legislation at the state level and participate in the legislative process to promote Council priorities and defeat adverse legislation.  They shall keep the Council informed on pending legislation.  The Committee shall be in charge of the Council’s participation in state legislative functions and shall represent the Council at meetings with other organizations concerning legislation.

PAC  –  This is a group of six Trustees appointed for 3 year terms, with responsibility for seeking annual participation from members, evaluating political candidates, and recommending support.  Two Trustees are appointed each year and must be contributors to the ACECMO/PAC.



Advisory  –  This Committee is charged with recommending actions and compensation for the staff, preparing an annual list of nominees for election to the various Board positions required by the Bylaws, recommending Council actions in regards to registration and ethical issues, and identifying individuals for the distinguished service awards including Fellows, Life Members, and New Principals.

Budget & Finance  –  This Committee shall study fiscal direction and maintain fiscal integrity for the Council’s long term health in accordance with the Bylaws.  The members of this committee shall annually prepare a Council budget recommendation for the coming year.

Long Range Planning  –  This Committee is charged with reviewing the long range plan on an annual basis and recommending revisions when and as necessary to reflect changes in the Council.

Membership  –  This Committee is responsible for recruiting new member firms, analyzing membership trends, developing an annual membership recruitment/retention plan, and implementing a program for new firm orientation.