ACEC/MO Engineering Excellence Awards

Electronic Project Entry Submission  Submit an Entry 

Submissions:  All project entry submissions must be submitted online through ACEC/MO's NEW online portal.  The deadline to submit your entry is Wednesday, October 23, 2024.  A check payment of $450 per project entry, must be submitted with the USB Flash Drive to the ACEC/MO office.  See the Call for Entries Brochure link below for more details. 

EEA Resources

History of Engineering Excellence Competitions

In coordination with our national affiliate, ACEC, the American Council of Engineering Companies of Missouri (ACEC/MO) holds an annual project competition. Our goal is to recognize the quality engineering design that member firms can produce and tell our membership and the public about this engineering quality design.  We adopt the rules for entry that are annually dictated by ACEC. Our state deadline for project entries is in mid/late October, with judging in mid-November. Projects winners going on to the national competition are required to complete a panel to illustrated the projects unique features and have a deadline of early January.  A panel of judges for the ACEC/MO competition is chosen from outside the membership to carefully consider the entries. Judges are carefully considered and selected from various sectors including construction, education, architecture, government and media. Our annual awards banquet highlighting the state winners is in February either in St. Louis, Kansas City or Columbia. The ACEC award banquet is held in May/June in Washington, D.C.

Panel of EEA Judges

Islam H. El-adaway, Ph.D., P.E., CEng., F.ASCE, F.ICE, Missouri University of Science & Technology
Marty Goodnight, Springfield Business Journal
Deb A. Herrman, American Institute of Architects – Missouri
Daniel R. Meckes, P.E., Retired – ACEC/MO Past Chairman
Kyle Phillips, Herzog Contracting Corp.
Kevin W. Ward, P.E., Federal Highway Administration

2024-25 Engineering Excellence Committee

Rob Krewson, Co-Chair, Alfred Benesch & Company
Andrew PotthastCo-Chair, HDR, Inc.
Marc Alper
, Alper Audi, Inc.

Rick Bennett, WSP USA Inc.
Kelley Davis, Lochmueller Group
Buddy Desai, Hg Consult, Inc.
Ryan Hagerty, GBA, Inc.
Michele Keal, Alfred Benesch & Company
Michelle Kratzer, TranSystems Corporation
Kevin Kriete, HDR, Inc.
Lou Kuelker, HDR, Inc.
Holly Lehmkuhl, GBA, Inc.
Chris Linneman, EFK Moen, LLC
Tawn Nugent, 
TREKK Design Group, LLC
Allen Smith, Crawford, Murphy & Tilly, Inc.
Breck Washam, Burns & McDonnell
John Zimmerman, TranSystems Corporation